Showing posts with label Islam First Eid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam First Eid. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Noble Prophet's are, by Almighty ALLAAH's Grace, living-Excerpt- Hazrat Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Prophets (Alaiehimus Salaam) are, by Almighty ALLAAH's grace, living-

Excerpt-Hazrat Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

grace allah almighty prophets allama kokab noorani okarvi

This servant of the Ahle Sunnat has, also, replied to the above quoted paragraph of the "Honey Dew", and here I repeat it in brief. First of all, it is only for those whose loved once have died that they should be grieved or joyful. But our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and other Prophets (Alaiehis us Salaam) are, by Almighty ALLAAH's grace, living.
Even so, my reply is this. The birth of Hazrat Aadam (Alaiehis-Salaam) took place on the same day as his passing away, but rejoicing at his birth was retained because, in Shari 'ah, mourning in not allowed for more than three days. On the other hand, our Holy Prophet's (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) birth took place on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal but the day when he departed from this world, even according to Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahib himself, was definitely not 12th Rabee-ul-Awwal....excerpt-Islaam's First Eid-Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Islaam First Eid- Book by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

   Eid-I-Meelaad-un-Nabi ...celebrating the birth of the holy Prophet, [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam] is the first and foremost Eid of the universe. This concerns a personality but for whose creation there would have been no Eid and none to celebrate it....

excerpts from the book by Hazrat Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

First and Foremost Eid on the Universe- Excerpt Islaam's First Eid- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

First and Foremost Eid on the Universe- Excerpt Islaam's First Eid- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

eid islaam foremost allama kokab noorani okarvi

Eid-I-Meelaad-un-Nabee (celebrating the birth of the Holy Prophet, (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) is the first and foremost Eid of the universe. This concerns a personality but for whose creation there would have been no Eid and none to celebrate it I do not insist that those who refuse to celebrate the birth of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam). Do so, but it is beyond me not to punish those detractors who declare celebrating the Holy Prophet's birthday to be a thing which is both "pagan and innovative" (Shirk Bid'at).
This is so because my unbounded love for the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) prompts me not to tolerate such utterances. Showing the mirror to the detractors of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) is ordained by ALLAAH  Kareem Himself, and I am happy that my action in exposing such people is in accordance with the tradition set by ALLAAH  Kareem Himself…. Excerpt-Islaam’s First Eid

Friday, October 8, 2021

Islaam's First Eid- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Islaam's First Eid Excerpt- - Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okavi

Islaam's First Eid Excerpt-  - Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okavi

islaam first eid excerpt allama kokab noorani okarvi

For the sake of enhancing my readers in their faith, I quote below some more passages from the same page of the book. After recording the benefits earned by Aboo Lahab in his grave every Monday*
*Aboo Lahab was an uncle to the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam). The event, which Imaam Qastalaani has referred to, is this. When a maid of Aboo Lahab (Abdul 'Uzza) named Suwaibah informed him of a son being born to his brother Abdul Laah (may ALLAAH be pleased with him), he (Aboo Lahab) was so delighted at hearing this that he pointed his finger to her in a manner which signified her emancipation [Set her free] for carrying the good news to him But when the Holy Prophet
 (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) declared his Prophethood, he (Aboo Lahab) did not accept him as a Prophet but became a most severe enemy to him and remained so all his life.
 In condemnation of him a whole Soorah of the Holy Qur’aan descended. After his death, people of Aboo Lahab's household saw him in a dream, and asked him how he had fared. To this, Aboo Lahab said that after departing from them he did not meet with any good but was being given water every Monday from the finger with which he had indicated the emancipation of Suwaibah, and this water lessened his torment. This event his also been related in Bukhaari Shareef, Fathul Baari Sharah Bukhaari. Madaarij-un-Nubawwat, Umadatul Qaari
Excerpt- Islaam's First Eid -Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Proclaim the Blessing of your Rabb-Excerpt- Islaam'sFirst Eid-Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Proclaim the Blessing of your Rabb-Excerpt- Islaam'sFirst Eid-Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

proclaim blessing islaam allama kokab noorani okarvi

Therefore, it is proved from the Qur'aan itself that the day when a blessing descends from heaven is a day of Eid. We are enjoined by the Qur'aan to rejoice at having received a blessing. The Qur'aan says:
"Qul Bi fadlil-Laahi Wa Bi Rahmatihi Fabi Zaalika Fal Yafrahu"
(Say O Prophet! you should rejoice at receiving A-Laah's grace and blessing)
Revered Shah Abdul Azeez Dehlvi (may ALLAAH have mercy on him) in his "Tafseer Azeezi" holds that to rejoice on receiving
 ALLAAH's grace and mercy is a very good and an altogether beneficial act.
In Aayat 69 of the Holy Qur'aan Soorah Aa'raaf, Allaah Almighty says:
                  "Fazkuroo Aalaa' Allaahi La' Allakum Tuflihoon.
                 (Remember Allaah's blessings so that you may profit)"
                                        And in Aa'yat 74 it is said:
              "Fazkuroo Aalaa' Allaahi Wala Ta'sau Fil Ardi Mufsideen
          (So remember ALLAAH's blessings, and do not spread corruption in the earth)"
And in Soorah Ad-Duhaa:
"Wa Amma Bini'mati Rabbika Fahaddis"
(And remember and proclaim the blessings of your Rabb)"---Proclaim the Blessing of your Rabb-Excerpt- Islaam'sFirst Eid-Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi