The Meaning of Ramadaan
Q. 1: What is "Rozah" (Saum)?
Ramadaan comes from the Arabic root ramadaa, which means severe heat, as in the harsh heat of the sun scorching the earth.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] said:
"Surely, the month of Ramadaan has been named so because it scorches away the sins."
Through the properties of heat do metals become purified, relieved of impurities that weaken the metal and actually change its identity.
Ramadaan is a time of purification, a reawakening of our original identity
a way to filter out all that makes us captive to the things of this Duniyaa.[Temporarily world]
The Holy Qur-aan defines "Saum" as "patience" too which means "self-control, perseverance and determination". Thus Rozah (Saum) stands, according to Islaam, for guarding oneself against selfishness, sensual and carnal desires and protecting one's instinctive restraint and perseverance. Food, drink and relation between man and woman play very important role in human life that usually destroy human values and merits if not checked. Regulating and keeping oneself away from such human needs for a certain period is Rozah (Saum). But according to Shar'ee terminology "Saum" means conscious abstinence (of a Muslim) from food, drink from dawn to dusk with the sole intention of worship.