Showing posts with label #Khalifa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Khalifa. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2023

Supporter of the Universe (Maulaa-e-Kaainaat) and the Chief of the Friends of Allaah (سيد الأولياء Saiyyidul -Auliyaa) ‘Alee Murtazaa (Allaah be pleased with him)

"He whose spiritual guide I am, Alee [Ali] is also his spiritual guide. Oh Allaah, You keep him as your friend who keeps Alee as his friend, and You treat him as your enemy who holds enmity against Alee."
saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam]
Excerpt ....speech Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Hazrat Ali / Alee Murtazaa (Allaah be pleased with him)-"He whose spiritual guide I am, Ali is also his spiritual guide.

Hazrat Saiyyidinaa ALI-Alee 
(Karramal Laahu Wajhu)

Supporter of the Universe (Maulaa-e-Kaainaat) and the Chief of the Friends of Allaah (سيد الأولياء Saiyyidul -Auliyaa) ‘Alee Murtazaa (Allaah be pleased with him)
"He whose spiritual guide I am, Alee [Ali] is also his spiritual guide. Oh Allaah, You keep him as your friend who keeps Alee as his friend, and You treat him as your enemy who holds enmity against Alee."
saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam]

Excerpt ....speech Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Hazrat Ali

Prophet Quote about Hazrat Ali - Alee (Karramal Laahu Wajhu)

Prophet Quote about Hazrat Ali - Alee (Karramal Laahu Wajhu)

Supporter of the Universe (Maulaa-e-Kaainaat) and the Chief of the Friends of Allaah (سيد الأولياء Saiyyidul -Auliyaa) ‘Alee Murtazaa (Allaah be pleased with him)

"He whose spiritual guide I am, Alee [Ali] is also his spiritual guide. Oh Allaah, You keep him as your friend who keeps Alee as his friend, and You treat him as your enemy who holds enmity against Alee."
saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam]
Excerpt ....speech Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Know your History Islamic Knowledge-The Ottoman & Kemal Attaturuk

The World must know how human rights of billions of people violated by the treacherous way when 1300 years old Caliphate was abolished in 1924. We all know about the role played by Lawrence of Arabia; but many of us were ignorant about the following: "the new Turkish State(Republic of Turkey) which was established by Doenmehs (secret jews of Turkey), is a state of the people and a state by the people.
" But why did Mustafa Kemal abolish the Caliphate, which was the political System of majority people of Turkey?
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a Jew, secret Jew and the greatest enemy of Islaam, as he abolished the Caliphate and suppressed the Muslims in Turkey. Along with Western powers and Jews there were some secret Jews who were conspiring against the Khilafah. Mustafa Kemal was one of them.
He was not even a Turk. He was a Doenmeh (secret Jew). He achieved the objective of not the Turks but of the Doenmehs who slowly took over the Ottoman State by openly converting to and practicing Islaam but secretly practicing their old religion... He was not a Turk, let alone 'Father of the Turks'.

The fact that Kemal Atatürk  was a despot and dictator cannot be denied. It
was his cruelty and sadistic treatment of Muslims that makes him stand out as one of the worst enemies of God. The above was only what was reported and recorded by mostly Western observers. The extent of what actually went on in the new Turkey by the direct
policy of Kemal was heinous, to say the least. He was truly an enemy of Islaam.
Under the guise of “cleansing Islaam of political interference”, the educational system was completely overhauled.
Atatürk’s attacks on Islaam were not limited to the government, however. Everyday life for Turks was also dictated by Atatürk’s secular ideas:
Traditional Islaamic forms of headdress such as turbans and the fez were outlawed in favor of Western-style hats.
The hijaab for women was ridiculed as a “ridiculous object” and banned in public buildings.
The calendar was officially changed, from the traditional Islaamic calendar, based on the hijrah – Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s flight to Madinah – to the Gregorian calendar, based on the birth of Jesus Christ.
In 1932, the A’zaan – the Muslim call to prayer – was outlawed in Arabic. Instead, it was rewritten using Turkish words and forced upon the country’s thousands of mosques.
Friday was no longer considered part of the weekend. Instead, Turkey was forced to follow European norms of Saturday and Sunday being days off from work.

Know your History Islamic Knowledge- 3rd March 1924- The Islamic Caliphate

To know that Khilaafat had been a great state for centuries and that it was a superpower on the world stage, the statement given by the father of modern economy is a great testimony.
Adam Smith, the 18th Century founder of modern economics whose picture is printed on the current UK £20 note, was exceedingly inspired by the Islaamic method of governing.
He proclaimed that:
“…the empire of the Caliphs seems to have been the first state under which the world enjoyed that degree of tranquility which the cultivation of the sciences requires. It was under the protection of those generous and magnificent princes, that the ancient philosophy and astronomy of the Greeks were restored and established in the East; that tranquility, which their mild, just and religious government diffused over their vast empire, revived the curiosity of mankind, to inquire into the connecting principles of nature.”
( Adam Smith, ‘History of Astronomy’, The Essays of Adam Smith (London, 1869), p. 353)
Hence it was a leading state in economy, science, technology, commerce, architecture and jurisprudence. The Khilaafat provided peace and security for its citizens, allowing them to live in harmony together as a single state. The Khilafah even provided sanctuary for those who were persecuted because of their beliefs.

With the removal of the sole legitimate leadership of the Muslims, the Caliphate, the lands of Islaam were divided in to numerous statelets and disputed territories. These new entities were established along the lines of ethnicity, sectarianism and racism by the colonialist powers of the day in an attempt to ensure that Muslim Ummah would never rise again. Nationalism that was nurtured by the colonialists in the run up to the destruction of the Caliphate helped to ensure that these new entities would remain at loggerheads, never to think of uniting again. Any attempts to replicate the power of a unitary leadership of the Muslim world were replaced by pathetic and impotent bodies such as Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). These organizations were designed to perpetuate disunity and division as they preserved the borders and barriers between Muslims that the colonialists had established. These states have never had the interests of Islam and the Muslims at heart.
Western colonialism put in place a motley crew of dictators, monarchs, autocrats that have served them in a manner more loyal than their own populations.
The Muslim world has indeed seen destruction, devastation and calamity for the past 90 years, despite the fact that the Muslim ummah is the richest in natural resources, manpower, army, land, technological capability, wealth and most importantly Ieemaan in Allaah Kareem

Caliph-hood & Islamic History 3rd March 1924 -The Ottomans

The 3rd of March is a date that is etched into the history of the Muslim Ummah as one of its darkest days ever. It was on this date in the fateful year of 1924 CE that the last vestige of legitimate Islaamic rule was ended. The office of Caliphate was abolished by Mustafa Kamal and the Muslim Ummah has since then been plunged in to darkness and humiliation.
This was the beginning of the humiliation that the Muslim world has suffered to this very day. The Ummah was set to be subjected to numerous tragedies that would involve against it murderous wars, foreign occupation, economic strangulation, political manipulation as well as a cultural colonialism that sought to distance the Muslim world from the concept of Islaamic ruling and the obligation of living under the Caliphate.
With the removal of the sole legitimate leadership of the Muslims, the Caliphate, the lands of Islaam were divided in to numerous statelets and disputed territories. These new entities were established along the lines of ethnicity, sectarianism and racism by the colonialist powers of the day in an attempt to ensure that Muslim Ummah would never rise again.

Today 3rd March, 90 years ago, the then British Foreign Minister Lord Curzon warned, “We must put an end to anything which brings about any Islaamic unity between the sons of the Muslims. The situation now is that Turkey is dead and will never rise again, because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Caliphate and Islaam”.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

#UmarFarooq- Prophet After Prophet- Hadees Shareef-Hazrat Ameer ul Mumineen Hazrat ‘Umar (Farooq-e-A’zam) (Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu)