Showing posts with label #Prophet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Prophet. Show all posts

Friday, October 4, 2024

Importance of Salutation Upon the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam) Excerpt Zikr e Jameel

Hazrat Abu Dard’aa رضی اللہ عنہ narrated that Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ said, “Send salutations to me abundantly on Friday, because this is a blessed day and angels visit on this day, everyone who sends salutations to me is presented to me directly unless he stops doing so”. Hazrat Abu Dard’aa رضی اللہ عنہ asked what about after the death, Prophet ﷺ replied, “even after death it would be presented to me because Allaah ﷻ has forbidden earth to eat up the bodies of Prophets. Thus the Prophets of Allaah ﷻ are alive”.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Remembering & Honoring the Beloved Daughter of Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam]-3rd Ramadaan ul Mubaarak....

Monday, March 21, 2022

JABL E NOOR-Ghar e Hiraa- Meray Sarkar kay Qadam Pouhanchay- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

JABL E NOOR-Ghar e Hiraa- Meray Sarkar kay Qadam Pouhanchay- Allamah Kaukab Noorani 

Okarvijabl e noor ghar e hira sarkar  allama kokab noorani okarvi
# Ghar e Hiraa- Jabl e Noor


In the name of Allaah most Merciful and Beneficent
Assalam o Alaikum Respected Audience
Thanks to the Almighty Allaah for blessing us with the month of Ramadan. The most respected personality due to whom we are blessed with this month, the sacred and blessed foots of that personality wherever they reached, all these places are sacred as well. I am present in the program “Meray Sarkaar kay Qadam Jahaan Pauhanchay” [where feet of my Beloved Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Lahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam] reached]. Most of the places which were visited by our Prophet Muhammad most of such places have been discussed and mentioned in Qur’aan and Ahadees. Today you will be listening first program with the reference of Qur’aanic Verses and Ahadees. You will be told about those sacred places that were visited by Prophet Muhammad today’s first program is about Ghar-e- Hira (Cave Hira) and Jabl-e-Noor (mountain of Light). Makkah Mukaramaa is a famous city; this is the city which has the honor of having the first House of Almighty Allaah i.e. Khana e Kaaba, Baiet Ul laah. From Makkah towards Eastern side at about the distance of 3 miles there is a mountain called “Jabl-e-Noor”. Jabl means mountain and Noor is its name, you will also listen that what is the reason behind this name. The path towards this cave on the mountain is a steep slope. The height of the mountain is about 2000 feet; it is not easier for everyone to climb the mountain. When one climbs up the top of the mountain there is a sharp slope of approximately 12 feet, there lies a very narrow passage from which a normal person cannot pass easily. On the entrance of the cave if you look at it carefully it is not possible to pass easily as this is a very narrow passage. Cave is a room like structure formed naturally in the mountains. Another feature of this cave is also that it faces directly towards Kaabatul laah, one may say that this cave is sitting in kneeling position with respect. When our Holy Prophet was at the age of 40 (lunar) years, he used to come and stay in this cave for several days. He ﷺ used to bring some food (Satu: flour of brown grains) with him, sometimes Hazrat Ummul Mu' mineen Saiyyidatunaa Khadeejatul Kubraa [Radiyal Laahu 'Anhaa] provided him food. Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam] used to stay here day & night and used to worship Almighty Allaah. Hazrat Jibraeel [Alaiehis Salaam] came to this cave with the first revelation. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ himself Noor (light) and Qur’aan also light, so on the mountain where first revelation revealed was named as Jabl-e-Noor. When pilgrims visit Minaa, this mountain is located at the left hand on the way towards Minaa. Here Hazrat Jibraeel [Alaiehis Salaam] brought first revelation to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ; this first revelation is mentioned in Holy Qur’aan as “”Read in the name of Allaah who created you”.  The Holy Qur’aan was revealed at that place on Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ; in this regard this place cave Hira kissed the feet of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ uncountable times. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ climbed that mountain and cave several times. We can say that Makkah has importance in places all over the world but this is the special place where declaration of Prophet-hood of Muhammad ﷺ was honored for the first time. After returning from this place, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ declared his prophet-hood, adjacent to this mountain is the Jabl-e-Abu Qubais. City of Makkah is encircled by mountains. Among these mountains Jabl-e-Noor has a special importance due to the Cave Hira, believers visit this mountain with love and passion to see the place where Qur’aan was first time revealed on the Beloved Prophet ﷺ. May Allaah  Kareem bless us to visit and see this sacred place [Aameen]…..excerpt from the TV PROGRAM- by Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi