Message of Aashooraa_10th Muharram 2013_ Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
According to the holy Qur’aan, Allaah Kareem will surely test every
person who claims to be a Muslim. This test is to reveal who is truthful in
their faith and who is untruthful. How does Allaah Kareem test? In the holy Qur’aan HE says:
“And We will surely
test you with some fear and hunger, and with paucity of wealth and lives and
Each person is tested according to
their capability and ability. Who is right or wrong? Who is real or fake? Who
is honest or dishonest? All this is confirmed by a test.Only those who are not confident are frightened
of a test or trial.
Allaah Ta’aalaa tested
Laah Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Ibraaheem
(‘Alaiehis Salaam)
his son
Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Ismaa’eel
Salaam) .
The son of Khaleel
ul Laah said to his father, “O my respected father! Do as Allaah has
commanded. In Shaa Allaah
(If Allaah wills) you will find me full of patience.”
Everyone knows that when
Saiyyidinaa Imaam Husaien
Laahu 'Anhu)
was only two or three years old, the beloved holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)
“After me, this son of mine will be martyred in Karbalaa.”
Everyone knew that the incident of Karbalaa
would be a trial from Allaah Subhaanuhu Wa Ta’aalaa which is why they all prayed
that when the time comes Allaah give
Imaam Husaien
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
patience and steadfastness on truth.
The son of Hazrat Ibraaheem (‘Alaiehis salaam) said to his father, “You
will find me full of patience”.
If the son
of Habeebul Laah
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)
had shown any kind
of weakness, it would not have been according to his significant position.
Imaam Husaien
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
said, “O Allaah All Mighty!
You test one through his fears. You test one through
the pain of hunger and thirst. You test one through the loss of possessions and
wealth. You test one by putting their
lives in danger or death.
You test one by taking away their children and crops.
O Allaah! Put all of these trials in my
test. I will sacrifice everything and will not step away from the truth. I will
say only this:
"Whatever is Your happiness is my happiness.”
In order to keep his
grandfather’s religion in its original essence he gave this immense sacrifice. Today, the religion of Islaam only exists on its
true foundation because of
Hazrat Imaam Husaien’s
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
greatest sacrifice in the field of
When someone falls very sick and a
doctor says that the only way they can regain their health is by a blood
transfusion, then the blood given is checked to make sure it benefits the
person instead of harming. When the life
of Islaam was infected, blood was essential for its health and life. For the religion of the
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam),
whose blood is better than the blood of his grandson?
By giving his
[Hazrat Imaam Husaien’s]
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
blood he revived
Today those who oppose, cry
desperately about every insignificant incident and difficulty and if there is a
death in their home, the psyche of the household changes. In the impossible conditions of Karbalaa the
steadfastness of Imaam Husaien
Laahu 'Anhu)
is a feat of great character.
Alas, today its remembrance is
nothing more than an annual customary practice.
Instead of trying to emulate
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
character, certain people prefer to
waste their time and ruin their faith by criticizing his great spirit of
From the beginning until the end
of the universe the day of ‘Aashooraa (10th Muharram) will be very
All Mighty Allaah
Wa Ta’aalaa
chose this divine day for the great sacrifice of the
His beloved
and last Holy Prophet’s
Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam)
Hazrat Saiyyidinaa
Imaam Husaien
(Radiyal Laahu ‘Anhu).
The lesson from the “incident at Karbalaa” is
of steadfastness of faith (Ieemaan) and
piety (taqwaa) and the act of “aim
and determination on righteousness.”
You and I need to ask ourselves,
“Have we learned anything from
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
great sacrifice? By making the events of Karbalaa the basis,
have we changed our lives in respect to faith and piety?
To me it seems like the world is
again in the atmosphere of Karbalaa with the Yazeeds of today shaking the
foundations of our faith and piety.
Do we have the courage to do as
the Husaieni tradition? If not, then we
are only pretending to have love for
(Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu).
May Allaah Kareem by the grace of
the holy blood of
(holy Prophet’s family), give strength to the Muslim Ummah and help us regain our lost greatness. Aameen
Aashooraa is one of the most important days in Islaamic history. Kindly spend your day pleasing
Allaah Kareem
Subhaanuhu Ta’aalaa
and the Holy
(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Aalihi Wa
Please forgive this humble slave of
Ahle Baiet e Rasool, and remember me
in your supplication (du’aa).
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