Q.3: What objective of fast has been expounded by the Holy Quraan?
A. The Holy Quraan has expounded the aims and objectives of the fast in three brief sentences:
1. That the believers should praise His (Allaah's) "Kibriyaai" (Magnificence, Grandeur) and "Azmat" (Greatness).
2. Be thankful to Him (Allaah Kareem) on receiving Divine guidance that He lifted up the mankind to the height of "Rif at-o-'Izzat" (eminence and honour) from the depth of ignominy and disgrace.
3. That the believers may eschew evil deeds and "Taqvaa" (fear of Allaah Almighty, piety) may develop in them.
"Taqvaa" is a particular state of the heart which, when attained to, prevents one from evil deeds and sins and he becomes a voracious doer of virtues. This is the very object of fast that such an excellence should develop in a human being. In other words, it may be said that the fast inculcates "fear of Allaah" in human being whereby he controls his "Nafs" (self) and thus the deference and greatness of the command of Allaah Kareem gets embedded in his heart defeating all other temptations. Once the command of Allaah Almighty got into the heart of a believer he would definitely give up his unlawful, illegitimate and evil habits and would never dare commit sins. This moral glory is called "Taqvaa".
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