Alaa Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Razaa Khaan Barelvi
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]
Sunni Muslims all over the world remember the great Imaam for his
service to the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and consider him a savior when
the Sunni-way was at threat.
Early Education
Studied twenty one
traditional Islaamic sciences under his father, and mastered over fifty
traditional sciences most of which were poured into his heart from
Divine Inspirations by Allaah Almighty as he mentioned in al-Ijaazat
1276 AH (1860 CE)
Aged four, Alaa Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Razaa Khaan Barelvi
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]
Completed the reading of the Qur’āan.
1278 AH (1862 CE)
Aged six, he conversed with an Arab in eloquent Arabic.
1280 AH (1864 CE)
eight, while studying the renowned book of Arabic grammar, Hidāyah
al-Naḥw, he wrote a commentary on it in the Arabic language.
1282 AH (1866 CE)
ten, he wrote an astonishing commentary of the complex and intricate
book on the principles of jurisprudence [Usūl al-Fiqh], Musallam
14 Ramadāan 1286 AH (1869 CE)
He wrote his first ever
fatwa on 14th Sha’ban 1286h on an issue of fostering (when he was only
13 years, 10 months and 4 days old!)
He wrote more than a thousand
books and commentaries in more than 55 sciences. His Fataawaa’s are an
ocean of knowledge and wisdom.
Aged 13, 10 months and five days, he completed his study of all the conventional sciences and graduated as a Muftī.