Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]
excerpt- Speech Translation
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]
excerpt- Speech Translation

Those who pass the
night [in adoration] for their Lord in prostration and standing
Allaah Kareem Averts
Punishment Of The Disobedient Because Of Auliyaa Allaah
After praising Allaah
Kareem (Hamd) and blessing His beloved Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi
Wassalam]I recited a verse of the Holy Qur’aan. In this verse Allaah Kareem has
mentioned an attribute of His beloved servants. He says that His accepted and
beloved servants, their prominence is this that they spend nights in
prostration [sajda] before their Creator. He states:
[They] pass the night
[in adoration] for their Lord
How do they spend it?
in prostration and standing [qiyaam]
The rest of the world
is asleep and dreaming but the servants of the Merciful Allaah Kareem, His
accepted servants, spend their nights, for Allaah Kareem, soaked in His love,
praying salaah, standing [qiyaam], bowing [ruku] and prostrating [sajdaa].
The reality is this
that because of these worshipful and pondering or reflecting [fikr] servants
this world retains stability and we are saved from the punishment of Allaah
Almighty. There is a Sacred Tradition Hadees e Qudsi in which Allaah Taa’alaa says:
When My servants
commit evil deeds, sin and are disobedient then My punishment comes into
action, but when I see My thankful worshipful servants, those that perform
night vigils [tahajjud], wake up at night and cry, put their heads in
prostration before Me, and plead deliverance from sins and forgiveness: Then I look
at them and I recall My punishment even from the disobedient. ….
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