Showing posts with label #mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #mother. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2021

Respect for mothers occupies a very high status in Islaam, and is very heavy in its scales.

It is reported in the ‘Saheeh Muslim’ that a man came to the Rasoolul Laah (صلى الله عليه و سلم)  and said: “O Prophet of Allaah [Almighty], who is most deserving of my kind treatment?”
He replied: “Your mother.”
The man asked: “Then who?”
He replied: “Your mother.”
The man asked again: “Then who?”
He replied: “Your mother.”
The man asked again: “Then who?”
He replied: “Your father.”

Thursday, May 10, 2018


                 MESSAGE Allamaah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
May- 10-Yaum e Wisaal- 
-والدە محترمە رحمۃ الله علیھا- کوکب نورانی اوکاڑوی غفرلە,

For more Islamic Information and Clips visit here.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Hadees shareef "The importance of mothers"

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) continually used to remind his followers of the status of the mother and the obligation of being good to one's parents.
The following narration is a beautiful example of the noble position of the mother:
A man asked the Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaiehi Wa Sallam], Peace and blessings be upon him, “Who is most deserving of my good company?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked, “Then who?” The Prophet said “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your mother.” The man asked again, “Then who?” The Prophet said, “Your father.”

Friday, May 13, 2016

Parents in Islam

Offer prayers begging grace for your parents
Offer prayers begging grace for your parents, Bring to mind their fervent appeals to the Lord [Allaah Kareem] and beg His mercy for them with a zealous and sincere heart. God ordains:

“And say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both
as they did care for me when I was little.”
In other words, say: “O Creator, with mercy, devotion, affection and love, my Lord, they reared me in childhood and sacrificed their own pleasure and ease for my sake but, they, in their infirmity and helplessness of old age, are more deserving of kindness, and love than I ever was. Allaah Kareem! I can pay them no recompense. Do patronize them and show them mercy in their miserable state”.

Mothers in Islam

Preserving the affection and respect of Parents is much emphasize in Islaam, and repaying this compassion with kindness is an obligation that is directly partnered with Tauheed:
{“…and your Lord ordained that you worship only Him, and that you treat your parents with excellence…”} [Al-Israa’; 23]
And disobedience to them is directly partnered with kufr.