Some Designated Essential Guidance s- Auraad e Mashaaikh
Some Designated Essential Guidance s
It is our duty to recall and recognize
that Islaam is
the religion chosen for us by Al-Laah Sub haana
Ta’aa laa.
If we practice this religion wholeheartedly and remain subservient to
this religion than we will be prosperous in this world and hereafter. We must remember Faith is
the basis of religious and worldly affluence and the deliverance of the world
after. It is essential to have right and
true believes to achieve honor and benefit in our actions otherwise rewards
will not be awarded. A true Peer (Spiritual
Guide) is someone who has true believes according to Shari’at and Sunnat. And a true Mureed (Disciple) is someone who has correct
believes and is completely obedient and submissive to his Peer.