Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana
Muhammad Shafee Okarvi-
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]-South Africa
Hazrat Khawaajah Mu’een ud Deen says
that after full 20 years hard training in the Science of Spirituality [Tasawwuf]
under this great Spiritual Guide, at the age of 46, in the year 582 AH at
Baghdad, he was awarded Khilaafat in the Chishtia Silsilaah. At this stage he
could see everything from the Abyss of the Earth
[tahtus sudra] and up to The Glorious Veil [al-Hijaab e Azmat].
If this is the status of the Friend of
Allaah Kareem [Walee ul Laah] then what must have been the status of the
Prophet’s Companions [Sahaaba’s], the Prophets of Allaah Kareem and the
Leader of all Prophets, the Holy Prophet [Peace be upon him, his family and his
What do certain people believe in
this 14th Century after Hijraah? I have the book available in which they say
that the Holy Prophet [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] ----- did
not even know what was behind the wall. They have not understood the status of
the Holy Prophet [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The Spiritual Master of Spiritual
Masters [Khawaajah e Khawaajaah gaan] Hazrat Khawaajah Bahaa ud deen Naqshbandi
[May Allaah Kareem be well pleased with him] says,
‘According to us the Perfect Spiritual
Guide [Kaamil Walee] is he who witnesses the whole earth as one sees one’s
fingernails.’ This is the status of Auliyaa Allaah Kareem.
Should I not tell you about the
Companions [Sahaabah]? Once the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] summoned Hazrat Zaied ibn Haaris [Radiyal Laah Anhu] and enquired about his spiritual
He replied, ‘Sir, my state is such that I can see unto the Divine Throne [Arsh] and I recognize every person destined for heaven and every person destined for hell. Further, my beloved Prophet, if you grant me permission, I will relate everything that is to occur till The Day Of Judgment [Qiyaamah] and what would occur on The Day Of Judgment.’ The Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] replied, ‘There is no need to do so. Do not reveal Divine Secrets.’
If this is the state of the slaves of
the Holy Prophet, then what must his status be? Therefore, my friends and
elders, everything is revealed to the Auliyaa Allaah but they do not reveal it,
obeying Allaah Kareem’s command to conceal it. So Khawaajah Saahib strove for
three years and he said that he could see everything up to The Glorious Veil [Al-Hijaab
E Azmat].
After being granted Khilaafat in the
Chishtia Silsilaah he was ordered by Khawaajah Usmaan Harooni to proceed to
Madeenah, the Illuminated. Khawaajah Saahib says he then left and performed
After Hajj, he went to Madeenah, the
Illuminated. In those days there was no problem of passports and visas, so he
spent six months at the blessed Burial Chamber of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]
After six months the Holy Prophet
addressed him and said, “O, Helper of Our Religion [Mu’een ud Deen],
Pivot of Spiritual Guides [Qutb al-Mashaiekh], We put India under your
charge where darkness prevails go and cleanse it of Polytheism [shirk]
and Misbelief [kufr].
Allaah Kareem’s Divine Help is with
you and my Look [Nazr e Karam] of Blessing is upon you.’ the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] bestowed the titles of Helper of the
Religion [Mu’een ud Deen] and Pivot of Spiritual Guides [Qutb
al-Mashaikh] to Khawaajah Saahib.
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