Showing posts with label Ajmer Shareef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ajmer Shareef. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

Brief Life History of Hazrat Khawajah Ghareeb Nawaaz - [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]

Brief Life History of Hazrat Khawajah Ghareeb Nawaaz - [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]

Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi-

 [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]-South Africa

Hazrat Khawaajah Mueen ud deen Hasan Chishti Ajmeri’s birth given name was Hasan. Helper of the Islaamic Way of Life (Mu’een ud deen), the supporter of the poor (Ghareeb Nawaaz), Spiritual Master of Spiritual Masters (Khawaajah e Khawaajahgaan) etc. are all his acquired titles. 

The Famous Saint of Ajmer Shareef-Hazrat Gharib Nawaz-Hazrat Khawaajah Mueen ud Deen Chishti (Rahmatul Laahi ‘Alaieh)-6th Rajab

6th Rajab ul Murajjab URS Mubaarak of Hazrat Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Sajizi Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)

Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]...continued
The First Khanqaah Of The Chishteeyah Order
Ram Deo, now Abdul laah informed Khawajah Saahib [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh] of impending danger from the enraged king and his followers.. Allaah [Ta’aalaa] had given them respect so none could disgrace them.  Nothing could swerve Khawaajah Saahib because Allaah [Ta’aalaa]’s Divine Help was with him and the Look of Blessing of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him, his family and his companions). He was sent by them to purify the place of polytheism (shirk) and misbelief (kufr). Abdul Laah told Khawaajah Saahib that he had inherited some land, which he owns and he gifted it to Khawaajah Saahib.

6th Rajab ul Murajjab URS Mubaarak of Hazrat Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Sajizi Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)

Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]...continue

Passed Into the Realm of Divine Beauty
He had fulfilled his duty, as per instruction of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him, his family and his companions). His Karamaat's are many and status is indescribable. When Khawaajah Saahib [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh] passed into the realm of Divine Beauty [on the 6 Rajab 633 AH/1233 AD] at the age of 97 the unseen hand had inscribed on his forehead,
He Is A Beloved Of Allaah Kareem Who Died In The Love Of Allaah [Ta’aalaa]. He was buried in Ajmer and his blessed Mazaar is present up to this day.

Many Karamaat’s emanated from him and millions are his devotees, being disciples of his disciples. Many relics have been preserved. King Auranzeb Alamgeer being the king of Hindustan, visited the blessed Mazaar four times, journeying on foot. On his way to the Mazaar Shareef he made numerous donations and gifts to the poor and needy.
Jahaan Araa Begum, the daughter of Shaah Jehaan, a great devotee of Khawaajah Saahib came to the Mazaar and at each stop she read two chapters of Qur’aan, Soorah Yaaseen, and Faatihah; and donated much to the poor and needy.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Khilafat and Hazrat Ghareeb Nawaaz Hazrat Khawaajah Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Ajmeri

Khilafat and Hazrat Ghareeb Nawaaz Hazrat

 Khawaajah  Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti


Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi- 
[Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]-South Africa

Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi-

 [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]-South Africa

Hazrat Khawaajah Mu’een ud Deen says that after full 20 years hard training in the Science of Spirituality [Tasawwuf] under this great Spiritual Guide, at the age of 46, in the year 582 AH at Baghdad, he was awarded Khilaafat in the Chishtia Silsilaah. At this stage he could see everything from the Abyss of the Earth

[tahtus sudra] and up to The Glorious Veil [al-Hijaab e Azmat].

Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)

Translated Lecture of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi- [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]-South Africa
Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan
Chishti Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)
Spiritual Blossoming
At the age of 9; he committed the Holy Qur’aan to memory.  He was 16 yrs old when his father passed into the realm of Divine Beauty and he inherited a grinding stone and an orchard, which formed a source of his livelihood. A Madjzoub  saint, Hazrat Ibraaheem Qandoozi (may Allaah Kareem be well pleased with him) paid Khawaajah Saahib a visit at his orchard. Being from a refined  family background, even at this young age, Khwaajah Saahib knew what reverence and respect should be shown to the people of Allaah Kareem; he laid out a sheet [Chaadar] for Hazrat Ibraaheem Qandoozi to sit on and offered him a few grapes from the garden.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Dua -SALAAT-LAIELATUR-RAGHAA’IB- Auraad e Mashaa'ikh -Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi


Raghaaib, is the plural of Ragheebah which means infinite blessing. Hazrat Sultaan ul Mashaa’ikh Saiyyidinaa Nizaam-ud-Deen Auliyaa Mahboob-e-Ilaahee [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]. 

On the first Thursday, of every Rajab to receive Al-Laah

 Taa‘aalaa’s profound (unlimited)taught us this salaat to receive

 Allaah Ta’aalaa’s special and unlimited grace and favor's.

On the first Thursday, of the month of Rajab keep a fast, in the day. Then at the start of the evening that is between Thursday and Friday I.e. after performing Namaaz-e-Maghrib on Thursday read 12 Rak’aat nawaafil salaat, 2 rak’aat at a time as follows.

In each Rak‘at after Soorah Faatihah read Soorah Qadr  3 times

       Soorah Ikhlaas  12 times

After completing the Nafil prayers face the Qiblah and read the following 70 times:

Al-Laahum-ma ִS al-li Wa Sal-lam ‘Alaa Saiy-yidinaa Muִh  ammadin

auraad e mashaaikh rajab allama kokab noorani okarvi
# Auraad e Mashaa'ikh


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Durood e Chistiyah-Hazrat Khawaajah Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti-[Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]

Ajmer, Gharib Nawaz -okarvi
Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Khawaajah
Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan
Ajmeri Sarkaar Ghareeb Nawaaz

Al-laahum-ma Sal-li
Wa  Sal-lim Alaa Saiy-yidinaa
Wa Alaa Aali Saiy-yidinaa
Bi Adadi Kul-li Ma’loomil-laka

Friday, March 23, 2018

Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi-Ajmer Shareef Visit

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hazrat Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Sajizi Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)

Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi
[May Allaah be Pleased  with him]

The Anaasagar Lake
Khawaajah Saahib and his followers pronounced the Call to Prayer (azaan) five times daily and performed salaah in jamaat.  Nearby there was a lake called, Anaasagar where they performed their ritual ablution (wudhu). The center of misbelief and idol worship daily heard the proclamation of the Unity of Allaah [Ta’aalaa] [Tauheed] and the Divine Commission of the Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam][Risaalat]. People used to come out of the temples and homes curious to know what is being announced when the A’zaan was called. Seeing the congregation prostrating invoked questions as to whom were they prostrating since no idol was in front of them. Seeing this five times daily and hearing the Remembrance Of Allaah (zikr) had such an effect that the audience themselves stated reciting ‘He Is The Truth’ (Haqq Huu). Many came and joined the circle of Khawaajah Saahib and the spreading of Islaam commenced. Many accepted Islaam just by seeing the God given beauty and exemplary character of Khawaajah Saahib. Almighty Allaah’s Divine Assistance was with him and the look of grace from the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him, his family and his companions), since he was Divinely Commissioned for this mission.

Hazrat Saiyyidinaa Khawaajah Saiyyid Mu'een ud deen Hasan Chishti Ajmeri Sarkaar Gareeb Nawaaz (Radiyal Laahu 'Anhu)

Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi
[May Allaah be Pleased  with him]
At Ajmer Shareef
At that time the Tanwara Family were prominent in Delhi, whilst the Chohaan Clan controlled Ajmer, in Gujarat the Baderia Clan were prominent and the ruling king at Lahore was Khusrau Malak, the last of the stars of the Ghaznavi Dynasty.
The situation in India was such that many of the prominent kings, families and clans were becoming political rebels in their quest for power. The King of Delhi sent his nephew Pirthivi Raaj known as Rai Pathoraa to rule over Ajmer, since he had no children of his own. At that time, in Hindustaan, this area was the center of misbelief (kufr) and idol-worship. There were many temples in Ajmer, one of them being exclusively used by the King his wives and the ruling class. The poor were not allowed in this temple. The king, for the upkeep of this temple, donated the revenue of many villages. It is recorded that so many lamps burnt in that temple that daily large quantities of oil was utilized. Many were employed for is upkeep. So, Khawaajah Saahib came to settle in the hub of misbelief (kufr) and idol-worship. Khawaajah Saahib was about 52 years old [587 AH / 1191 AD] on arrival at Ajmer.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Shaah e Ajmer [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]
Lecture TV Program

Friday, May 9, 2014

Rare Picture Share- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi- Ajmer Shareef- India- 80's