Showing posts with label Okarvi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Okarvi. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021

Jumah Mubaarak- Friday the Blessed Day for the Momins

Friday, Jumah


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Finality of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

12 Rabi ul Mubaarak 2021 -Eid Meelaad Un Nabee Card- Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al Aalami]

12 Rabi ul Mubaarak 2021 -Eid Meelaad Un Nabee Card- 
Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al Aalami]okarvi, milad, mawlid


Monday, October 18, 2021

12 Rabi ul Mubaarak -Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al Aalami]


12 Rabi ul Mubaarak - Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al Aalami]

12 Rabi Ul Mubaarak


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Request to the Bakers /Confectioners also to the Buyers!

Request to the Bakers /Confectioners also to the Buyers!
Please to not make picture of Holy Places on the Cakes etc!


From the 1st to 12th Rabi ul Awwal good deeds to do


Friday, October 8, 2021

Meelad Un Nabee Lecture -Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi


Jumah Mubaarak-Friday


Friday, October 1, 2021

3-ZIKR E JAMEEL- حب مصطفیٰ ﷺ ایمان کی روح ہے HUBB E MUSTAFAA-ﷺ

Zikr e Jameel
BRIEF INTRO-AUTHOR -ZIKR E JAMEEL-Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh] Zikr e Jameel - The Glorious Beauty & the Magnificent Message of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh] a must read for all true lover of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a true masterpiece of the respected author. A true treasure for Aashiqaan e Rasool ﷺ the book has been published and distributed around the world. It is a must read for all true lovers of the Beloved Holy Prophet ﷺ. Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al Aalami]…is presenting few small video clips from the chapters gem, from this great masterpiece for unique readership, and for sharing on social media. Please share…subscribe ….and comments. Jazaakumul-Laahu Ta'aalaa For more…please visit our site:

28th Safar - The Day of Shahaadat Hazrat Imaam Hasan [Radiyal Laah Anhu]

28th Safar - The Day of Shahaadat of Hazrat Imaam Hasan  
[Radiyal Laah Anhu]

Imam Hasan


Friday, September 3, 2021

10-12-The Special Nazr of Allaah Kareem -اللہ کی خاص نظر

10-12-The Special Nazr of Allaah Kareem -اللہ کی خاص نظر

Shab e Baraat Bayaan by Hazrat Allamaah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Mubaarak- Muharram Al Haram

Monday, August 16, 2021


یزید کا تخت نشین ہونے کے بعد کن حستیوں سے اسے ڈر تھا؟

Sunday, August 15, 2021

3-10-HAZRAT IMAAM HUSAIEN [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] LEAVES KUFAA…-امام حسین علیہ السلام کا قوفہ جانا

-امام حسین علیہ السلام کا قوفہ جانا

Saturday, August 14, 2021

6-10-HAZRAT IMAAM HUSIAEN [Radiyal laahu Anhu] LEAVES MADINAH-امامؑ کا مدینہ منورہ چھوڑنا

-امامؑ کا مدینہ منورہ چھوڑنا

2-10-THE TESTS OF THE PROPHET’S [Alaiehimus Salaam]-نبیوں کا امتحان

نبیوں کا امتحان

IMAAMAT SUGHRAA AND IMAAMAT KUBRAAامامت صغریٰ امامت کبریٰ میں کیا فرق ہے؟

WHAT DOES IMAAMAT MEANS-امامت سے کیا مراد ہے؟

Friday, August 13, 2021

1-14-REWARDS FOR THOSE WHO DO SABR PATIENCE- صبر کرنے والوں کے لیئے بے شمار اجروثواب

صبر کرنے والوں کے لیئے بے شمار اجروثواب