Showing posts with label #Haj. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Haj. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Punishment of Hell and Paradise -جہنم کا عذاب اور جنت

The Prophet ﷺ is Watching all of Us. -نبیﷺ سب کو دیکھ رہے ہیں

To believe in everything but the Prophet ﷺ-نبیﷺ کو چھوڑ کر سب کچھ ماننا

The Enlightening Verses of Quraan and Guidance -قرآن کی روشن آیتیں اور ہدایت

The deniers of Prophet’s ﷺ Excellences -نبیﷺ کی شان کو نہ ماننے والے

The deniers of Prophet’s ﷺ Intercession -نبیﷺ کی شفاعت سے انکار کرنے والے

The Help of the Beloved of Allaah in Hereafter -اللہ والوں کی مدد آخرت میں

The Marvels of Beloved of Allaah Kareem -اللہ کے پیاروں کے کمالات

Meaning of MindunilLaah&Muraad -مِن دُونِ اللہ کی معنیٰ اور مراد

3-5-People who are Thankful in every Condition -ہر حال میں شکر کرنے والے

2-5-Peoplewho are Tested -آزمائشوں سے گزرنے والے

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

1-5-Among the Infidels if innocent children die will they go to Hell? -کافروں کے ہاں نا سمجھ بچے

Friday, September 1, 2017

Qurbaani ki Dua Aur Tariqa

Eid Ul Adha Mubaraak

The Essentials of Qurbaani


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Ramadaan kareem

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

33rd Urs Shareef of Hazrat Maulana Shafee Okarvi [Rahmatul Laahi Alaieh]

Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Was Salaat o Wa Salaam 'Alaa Rasoolihil Kareem. Wa 'Alaa Aalihee Wa As haabihee Ajma'een.
Al Hamdu Lil Laah, today on the 33rd annual Khateeb e A'zam Day, the following  Ieesaal e Sawaab has been forwarded to Mujadid e Maslak Ahl e Sunnat 'Aashiq e Rasool Khateeb e A'zam Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (Rahmatul Laahi 'Alaieh)

* One hundred and eighty-one thousand, one hundred and twenty nine (181,129) Khatam e Qur'aan
*Thirty thousand, one hundred and thirty-four (30,134) various Qur'aanic Paarahs
*Seven million, one hundred and thirty-two thousand, one hundred and eighty-four (7,132,184) various Qur'aanic Chapters
*Twenty-eight million, one hundred and four thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four (28,104,874) Kalimah Taiyyibah
*Twenty-nine billion, eight hundred and twenty-nine million, two hundred and twenty-two thousand, eight hundred and sixty (29,829,222,860) Durood Shareef
*Twenty million, one hundred and forty-five thousand, six hundred and nineteen (20,145,619) various Wazaa'if
*One hundred and twenty thousand (120,000) Asmaa e Ilaahee
*Twenty-eight thousand, two hundred and thirty-two (28,232) nawaafil
*Nine Umrahs and one Hajj
*and uncountable Auraad o Wazaa'if.
May Allaah Kareem Jalla Shaanuhu accept all that has been read.

Friday, September 18, 2015

#Qurbani- Sacrifice and Important Rules- Urdu- Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi


okarvi- haj

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Allaah Waloun ki Yaad- Zill Hijjah- Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi