Showing posts with label #Ramadaan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Ramadaan. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2024

ہلال رمضان کا معاملہ متنازع کیوں؟ - RUET E HILAAL-MOONSIGHTING IN RAMADAAN -TV PROGRAM

Monday, October 16, 2023

Who are Walee/Wali Allaah -Friends of Allaah-Hazrat Shaiekh Abdul Qaadir Jeelaani [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh] Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Thursday, April 20, 2023

EID UL FITR KA MAQSAD (2-2) جو عیدین کی روتوں کو قیام کرے گا؟ -

MEANING OF SADQAH E FITR ?(1-2) صدقہ فطر عید سے پہلے ادا کریں - Sadqah E Fitr Eid Se Pehle Adaa Karayn

SHAB-E-QADR (2-5) شب قدر کی فضیلت - Shab e Qadr Ki Fazeelat

SHAB E QADR (5-5) - آج کا مسلمان - Aaj Ka Musalmaan

Monday, April 17, 2023

Shab e Qadr- Bayaan- Jaame Masjid Gulzaar e Habeeb- Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

SHAB E QADR (1)- شب قدر کا اہم واقعہ - Shab e Qadr Ka Aham Waqiaa

SHAB-E-QADR (3-5)- شب قدر میں آپ کے پاس فرشتہ آسکتا ہے -

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


After having entered the city, the Holy Prophet offered prayer of thanks in the Masjid-ul-Haraam to the Almighty Allaah Who, out of His immense grace, had granted him a most splendid and most peaceful victory over a cruel enemy.

None could be more anxious to avoid bloodshed than Prophet Muhammad . He, therefore, proclaimed amnesty to the people who had persecuted and tortured him and his followers and had even made several attempts on his life. But he is the Rahmat-ul-lil Aalameen. The Blessing unto the worlds, and even his deadliest enemies were to be forgiven.
"There shall no retaliation against you this day,"
He also declared. He asked Aboo Sufiyaan, once his arch enemy to proclaim: "he who takes refuge in the house of Aboo Sufyaan is safe: whoso closes the door of his house, the inmates thereof shall be in safety, and he who enters the Sacred Mosque of the Ka-'abah is safe."
It was in this spirit of clemency that the Holy Prophet was to enter the city of Makaah.

The Holy Prophet in unison remembrance of Allaah Al Kareem got up and proceeded towards Ka'baa, the Sacred House. It was to be cleaned and made for ever an emblem of the oneness and Supremacy of Allaah Al Kareem as well as the unity of Muslims. It was unfortunately occupied with 360 idols. Prophet Muhammad knocked them down with the help of  Hazrat Ali [Radiyal Laahu Anhu] and recited the verse of the Holy Quraan:
 "Please declare, the Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Surely falsehood is ever-vanishing". (Al-Quraan -) 


The Holy Prophet also imprinted upon the minds of the people the pragmatic value of this fundamental principle of Islaam, i.e., Divine Unity and human integrity. There is no distinction between man and man. All are equal, because they are descendants of the same parents. Superiority of one over another in this vast "brotherhood does not depend on nationality, wealth or rank but on one's piety, straightforwardness, sincerity and conscious adherence to the command of Allaah Al Kareem in the Holy Quraan.

Praying in Kabaa direction is a symbolic act of unity for the Muslim nation epitomizing the essence of Islaam- worshiping the One and only God.