Monday, November 13, 2023

ISLAMIC NEW YEAR MUBAARAK- 1437 HIJRI- Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Friday, November 10, 2023

DUA FOR CALAMITY- QUNOOT E NAAZILAH-Auraad e Mashaaikh-Kaukab Noorani Okarvi


In the event of severe terrestrial or celestial catastrophes or in case of terrorist attack on Muslims by enemies ,or when there is lot of bloodshed or if  any plaque has spread out then for protection and salvation  in the second ra'kat of fard Fajr Salaat before bending for rukoo the Imaam and muqtadee should read Qunoot e Naazilah out loud then followers should only say Aameen in a low voice.

2-5-DOES ALL THE DUA’S OF THE PROPHET’S [Alaiehis Salaam] ACCEPTED- کیا نبیوںﷺ کی ہر دعا قبول ہوتی ہے؟


2-5-DOES ALL THE DUA’S OF THE PROPHET’S [Alaiehis Salaam] ACCEPTED- کیا نبیوںﷺ کی ہر دعا قبول ہوتی ہے؟

Tafseer Suraah Muminoon by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

What is Dua and How you should make DUA? 5-5 Lecture Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Devotion for the Holy Prophet Muhammad is the First Step of the True Religion-Zikr e Jameel


Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa nir Raheem

Nahmaduhu Wa Nusallee Wa Nusallimu ‘Alaa Rasoolihil Kareem

Adoration of Mustafaa


(Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam)

Jum'ah Mubaarak- Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi



To Worship Anyone Beside Allaah Kareem- Tafseer Surah/ Soorah Al Ankaabut Part -1 - Quraan Tafseer- Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

To Worship Anyone Beside Allaah Kareem- 
Tafseer Surah/ Soorah Al Ankaabut Part -1 - 

Quraan Tafseer- Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi


Friday, November 3, 2023

The Significance of Masjid Al-Aqsa in Palestine

Do you know the significance of Masjid Al-Aqsa?
» The first Qiblaah of the Muslims.
» The station of Al-Isra' and Al-Mi'raj.
» The second house of Allah built on earth.
» The place where hundreds of Messengers of Allah (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayim as-Salat wa as-Salam) are buried.
» The place where many companions (Radi Allahu Anhum Ajma'een) are buried.
» A place where miracles were shown by Allah's will.
» A place which Allah Himself calls a "blessed place".
» Referred to directly and indirectly, 70 times in the Holy Quran.
» The place where Angels have descended with Allah's message.
» The only place on earth where all the Messengers of Allah prayed at the same time led by the beloved Prophet Muhammad (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayim as-Salat wa as-Salam).
» The only Masjid mentioned by name in the Holy Quran apart from the Holy Ka'bah.

3-6-- The Holy Quran/ Quraan-Surah/Soorah Al Hajj-The Jews the Christians and the Believers -یہود و نصاریٰ اور ایمان والے


3-6-The Jews the Christians and the Believers -یہود و نصاریٰ اور ایمان والے

Tafseer Suraah Hajj by Hazrat Allamaah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Why the Difference the Truth?-Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun?-Okarvi

Why the Difference the Truth?-Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun?-Okarvi

Excerpt from the book "Why the Differences"- Aakhir Ikhtilaaf Kyun-by Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi-

To Send Durood Shareef in Abundance to the Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]

To Send Durood Shareef in Abundance to the Holy Prophet Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] is the sign of Ahle Sunnat.

Allaah Kareem commands us to send Salawaat, Durood, Salutations of Peace and Blessings of Allaah upon Nabi [Sallal Laah Alaieh Wa Sallam] by saying,
“Verily, Allaah and His Angels recite Salaat on the Nabi, O you who believe call for Allaah’s Blessings on him and greet him saying peace be unto you.”
This commandment is unique unlike any other Ayaat of the Holy Quraan because in this Ayaat Allaah [Ta'aalaa]first establishes that He Himself and also His angels participate in this act.
Allaah Kareem says,

People who are Tested -آزمائشوں سے گزرنے والےHoly Quran/ Quraan/ Koran Tafseer Suraah/Soorah Al Hajj


2-5-People who are Tested -آزمائشوں سے گزرنے والے

Tafseer Surah/Suraah Al Hajj by Hazrat Allamaah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Who are the Hypocrites according to Quraan?

منافق لوگ

Qur'aan Al Hakeem - Killing Innocent Life- Killing Mankind- Translation Kanzul Iemaan

Qur'aan  Al Hakeem - Killing Innocent Life- Killing Mankind- Translation Kanzul Iemaan

الله رب العزت تمام شهدآ کو جنت الفردوس مین اعلی مقام 
فرمائ اور تمام پسمامندگان کو صبرجمیل واجر عظیم عطا فرمائ... آمین یارب العالمین

killing innocent life mankind quran al hakeem allama kokab noorani okarvi

Hazrat Shaiekh Muhammad Nizaamud deen Auliya [Rahmat ul Laahi Alaieh]-Mahboob e Illaahee- The Beloved of Allaah Kareem-

حضرت شیخ خواجہ سیّد محمد 
نظام الدّین اولیاء ... 
The Beloved of Allaah Kareem...
Rabi ul Aakhir

Sultan-ul-Ma’shaikh, Mahboob-e-Ilaahee, Hazrat Shaiekh Khawaja Saiyyidinaa Muhammad Nizaamud deen Auliyaa 
[Rahmat ul Laahi Alaieh]
Hazrat Shaiekh Muhammad Nizaamud deen Auliya allama kaukab noorani okarvi