Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hazrat Saiyyid Ghulaam Muhiyuddeen Baaboo Jee Golarvi (Rahmatul Laahi ‘Alaieh)

Hazrat Saiyyid Ghulaam Muhiyuddeen Baaboo Jee Golarvi
(Rahmatul Laahi ‘Alaieh)
was known as Baabu ji was the renowned son of the greatest saint of the era / time Hazrat Peer Saiyyid Mehir Alee Shaah Saahib [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]
He was born in Golraa Sharif in 1888 A.D. i.e. 1308 A.H.He attained 86 years of age which was full of preaching Islaam & Sunnah to the general public at large & his followers in particular and passed away on 22-06-1974  (i.e. 2nd Jamaadi-us-Sani 1394 (A.H).

On the occasion of birth of Hazrat Baabu Jee [Rahmatul Laah Alaieh]
,Hazrat Saiyyidnaa Peer Mehr Alee Shaah[Rahmatul Laah Alaieh] was very happy and said that for me, the happiness stems primarily from the fact that a soul blessed will follow his foot prints to communicate message of Allaah [Kareem] to the world with the constant remembrance of Allaah  [Ta'aalaa]has arrived in our family.

His 3 / 4th part of life passed in prayers and remembrance of Almighty Allaah and service to people.
He was a great Pivotal Soofie Saint, a Scholar and a eminent Spiritual successor in as much as very much popular by his nature, a blend of love / affection, sincerity, purity, comfort, humility, a bud of flower and being knowledgeable statesman, peoples of all walks of life who come to Golraa Shareef have great respect to Baabu Jee.

He was a great religious scholar and used to give fatwa’s during his routine sittings on various religious / contentions issues which were settled / redressed in accordance with Islaamic Ideology / Ahadees /
Fiqh for which Baabu Ji was master of it.

Baabu Jee traveled world wide for preaching of Islaam and contributed a lot. In addition to Holy Land of Saudi Arabia, he visited Beirut, Damascus (Syria), Baietul Muqadas, ) Egypt, Geneva, Paris (France), United Kingdom, Germany, Rome, Turkey and Baghdad Shareef (Iraaq).  He paid visit on the holy shrines of Auliyaa Allaah located in some of these countries.

He contributed a lot during the independent movement of creation of Pakistan. He also contributed and played pivotal role as per Islaamic traditions to help out the Country when a war was imposed on Pakistan in 1965.
He truly proved to be a great son of a great father.

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Excerpt- White and Black -by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hazrat Maulana Jalaal ud deen Rumi

Hazrat Maulana Jalaal ud deen Ruumi
(Rahmatul Laahi ‘Alaieh)
respectfully as Maulana ("our Master"), is a thirteenth-century Persian Soofie Saint Auliyaa Allaah, jurist, theologian, poet and one of the greatest spiritual masters of Islaam. He was known as Ruumi because he spent most of his life in the region known by Muslims as "Ruum," the Anatolian peninsula most of which had been conquered by the Seljuq Turks after centuries of rule by the Roman Empire.
He is acknowledged as the father of one of Islaam’s major Soofie orders, the Mevlevi order although its actual inception came about through his disciples. He was also often referred to by the Persian title, the ("great Master") be continued In  Shaa Allaah.

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Excerpt- White and Black -by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
4. The Wahaabis use most blasphemic language in respect of the Grandeur of Prophethood and the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam).
And they consider themselves to be equal to the being of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam).  Also, consider very little value of the period of his preaching…….they think the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) has no right on us now nor do we get any benefit or favour from his holy personality after his passing away.

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Excerpt-White and Black -Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Some of them give the status of adultery even to take a journey for the sake of paying a visit to the blessed tomb.”  (May Allaah forgive us)   (Pg 45)

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

3. “This group writes that having a vision of the blessed Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) and the visitation to his blessed tomb are unlawful innovations etc.  He also considers it unlawful and foolish to even travel in that direction with this intention.-

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

2. “Up till now the Najdis and his followers have this belief that the lives of Prophets (Alaiehimus-Salaam) were limited only to the times during which they were on this earth.  After that he and other believers are equal in death.” (Pg 45)

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Dear readers, my aim is not heart breaking or speaking lies. (May Almighty Allaah protect me from every sin) I speak the truth when I say that these hypocrites, ‘Sellers of barley in the name of wheat’ (Deobandi, Wahaabi and Tableeghi) whatever they say or do under the covering of the propagating of Religion, it is cause of shamefulness and distasteful.
It is amazing that they like to explain the wrong statements but they dont like to call a wrong as wrong.
Dear readers, every man of wisdom, thought, intellect and consciousness know that an abuse is an abuse.  You can do thousands of explanations; an abuse cannot be called a good supplication. We also say the same thing to the Deobandi, Wahaabi and Tableeghi people that until they don’t accept the blasphemic and infidel writings of their own elders as
blasphemic and infidel, according to the verdict of their own scholars and don’t deny to be the acceptors and believers of these writings the controversy will continue.

There is a famous anecdote that some people of a village went to a religious scholar and told him we have a well of water in the village, a dog has fallen into it and died. Tell us what is the way of purifying the water of this well? The religious scholar told them to draw a certain number of buckets of water from the well, the water would be purified. Those villagers went and drew the given amount of water but the bad smell continued in the water. They again went to the religious scholar and explained the situation. The religious scholar inquired from them if they had taken out the dead dog from the well or if it was still there?
They said, we have not taken out the dog. The religious scholar told them, unless you don’t take out the dog from the well no matter how much water you will draw out the foul smell will still continue. First take out the dog from the well, then take out the specified number of buckets of water and then see if the stink is removed or not!
Note Academy
These Wahhabi doctrines are unbelief, and lead to the Fire of Hell. Beware of them and the groups enamored with them.
Unfortunately for the ummah in our day, the statements of disbelief penned by the scholars of Deoband are still being promulgated on the World Wide Web, which means Deobandi authorities did not renounce their unbelief. They have also failed to condemn (as is wajib for them), and actually still keep on their syllabus and disseminate in all languages the works of deviated scholars the originator of most if not all of these heretical errors.
The way forward is to leave these insulting words and aberrant beliefs behind us by affirming the true creed of the Ahle Sunnat wa Jamaa’at. Real Deobandis and theircreed are worthy of be continued In Shaa Allaah!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hadees-Shareef Forgiveness

Sunday, March 13, 2016

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Now, if Gangohi Saahib is speaking the truth, than Husaien Ahmad Saahib Tandvi Madni is a liar and if Husaien Ahmad Madni is honest than Gangohi Saahib is dishonest.  Now, the decision depends on the followers of the two men.
Gangohi Saahib says that the beliefs of these (Najdis) are excellent.  How excellent are they?  See its explanation by the writing of the Head master of Deoband, Husaien Ahmad Saahib Madni who has listed in detail a series of examples of some of the belief of these Najdis in his book, “Ash Shahaubus Saaqib” (Printed Qutub Khana Ashrafiyahh, Rasheed Company, Deoband)
View them,
1. "It is the belief of Muhammad Ibne Abdul Wahaab that all the people of the world and all Muslims are polytheists and nfidels. To kill them, to battle with them and to snatch their money from them is allowed and permissible yet it is mandatory.” (Ash Shahaubus Saaqib, Pg 43)

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Further consider this, Husaein Ahmad Saahib Madni President of Darul uloom Deoband says, "Gentlemen, Muhammad Ibne Abdul Wahaab Najdi appeared from Najd in Arab in the early 13th century.
As he harbored evil thoughts and held wrong belief therefore, he waged war against the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and forced his evil thoughts on them. He considered it lawful seizing their properties as the spoils of war and killing them and also considered all these acts to bring blessings and earning rewards.  He gave severe pains particularly to the people of Haramain (Makkah and Madinah) and to the people of Hijaaz in general.

  He used most foul language against the grandeur of the respected pious people and the earlier generations.  Many people because of his severe violence had to flee the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah. Thousands of people were martyred in his hands and the hands of his troops. In short, he was a tyrant, rebel, blood thirsty and an evil person." (Ash-Shahaubus Saaqib, Pg 42)

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

Continued excerpt- White & Black by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
Answer: In our view their verdict is the same which is given by the writer of Durr-e-Mukhtaar. (Ibne Abdul Wahaab and his followers), the Khawarij, are a famous group of people who waged war against the Imaam. It is the view, that they considered Imaam guilty of falsehood, meaning infidelity which justified waging war. For this reason they considered taking our lives and wealth as lawful and made our women their captives. He further says, the verdict which applies on them is of rebels.  He also held the opinion that they did not describe them as infidels because this was a matter of interpretation though a faulty one.And Allamah Shaami, in the marginal notes of the book said, "Like it happened in our times by the followers of Ibne Abdul Wahaab. They came from Najd and besieged Haramain Shareefain. They called themselves as Hambali creed but it was their belief that onlythey were Muslims. Whoever is against their belief he is a polytheist and due to this they justified the killing of the Ahle Sunnat and the scholars of the Ahle Sunnat, until Almighty Allaah deprived them of their superiority."

In "Fataawa Rasheediyah," it is stated that their (Najdis) belief are excellent, while in "Al-Muhannad," it is stated that only they (Najdis) are Muslims and whoever would be against their belief he is an polytheist.

And Ahle Sunnat are against their belief therefore infront of them the killing of Ahle Sunnat and the scholars of the Ahle-Sunnat as lawful.” So the result is infront of Gangohi Saahib to consider Ahle-Sunnat as polytheist and killing them is lawful and permitted. This is a good belief.  Therefore the Gangohi Saahib says, he and his followers are good.  While all other scholars of Deoband say they are “Kharijis and rebels.” It is clear that infront of Gangohi Saahib the Kharijis and rebels are good people.
Further consider this, Husaein Ahmad Saahib Madni President of Darul uloom Deoband says, "Gentlemen, Muhammad Ibne Abdul Wahaab Najdi appeared from Najd in Arab in the early 13th century.

As he harbored evil thoughts and held wrong belief therefore, he waged war against the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and forced his evil thoughts on them. He considered it lawful seizing their properties as the spoils of war and killing them and also considered all these acts to bring blessings and earning rewards.  He gave severe pains particularly to the people of Haramain (Makkah and Madinah) and to the people of Hijaaz in general.  He used most foul language against the grandeur of the respected pious people and the earlier generations.  Many people because of his severe violence had to flee the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah. Thousands of people were martyred in his hands and the hands of his troops. In short, he was a tyrant, rebel, blood thirsty and an evil person." (Ash-Shahaubus Saaqib, Pg 42)

White & Black Deoband-ism caught in its own trap

It is stated in Al-Muhannad, the book on belief of the scholars of Deoband page 18, (printed kutub khana Azeezia 'Deoband,
"Question number 12:
Muhammad Ibne Abdul Wahaab Najdi considered shedding the blood of Muslims, taking away their money and defiling their honor, all these things were lawful.  He also termed everyone else as polytheist and would be disrespectful towards the grandeur of the elders. What is your view about him and about calling the Ahle Qiblah and elders as infidels is it a lawful act? Or do you think that he who does these things belongs to a legitimate sect?

Deoband to Barelliy

Deoband to Barelliy -by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
At this stage literate men and women specially the youths get very frustrated as there are many factions among-st the Muslims and each faction tries to prove itself to be right on the basis of the Qur’aan and the Sunnat and calls their opponents to be wrong.  The ‘Ulama (scholars) of each faction read the Qur’aan and Ahaadees they are committed to Namaaz and Rozah (fasting) and have kept beards and seem to be very knowledgeable in giving brazing arguments in favor of their own standpoint.  We the listeners and the readers whom should we consider right and whom to be wrong. Therefore, as a result of this confusion, they have stopped listening to Maulvees and going to the masaajid.
With the fear of Allaah honestly let me reply to this there is no doubt that you are very disturbed at the contradictory statements of the general Maulvees.  Generally people are not fully aware of the religious knowledge so they cannot recognize the truth and the false, the right and the wrong and they are not aware of the real facts so they get very frustrated.  In this situation the people are wrong because along with the worldly knowledge they don’t acquire religious knowledge and learn the truth with attention and interest.  And those who call themselves Maulvees they don’t tell the real truth to people and don’t fulfill their religious responsibilities and obligations completely with honesty and truthfulness.

 They have perhaps forgotten that one day all of us have to depart from this mortal world and go into the dark and dreary graves.  And on the Day of Judgment we have to give account of our beliefs and acts before Almighty Allaah. Perhaps they have also forgotten that it is easy to deceive people by presenting wrong as right, but it is impossible to present wrong as right infront of Almighty Allaah.  These people should remember that they will be more accountable then others and will be more liable to go to Hell and suffer Divine torment for teaching wrong beliefs and acts.
They should not forget that the rule is the people showing the way to righteousness will receive rewards equivalent to the combined rewards of those engaged in that righteousness. The same way those who teach wrong things and give wrong training they will get the combined torments and sins of all those people who are following them and doing those wrong acts.  Any person who stands in awe of Allaah all the time and remembers his death he saves himself from every sin and evil.  Also if unknowingly or due to some other reason he makes a mistake then he should repent immediately. A person who is not scared of Almighty Allaah is dreadful.  No doubt only he is wise, who is attached to the fear of Allaah.

Why the Differences?

The “difference” mentioned in the blessed Hadees does not at all mean a superficial difference but is the one which is based on principle. Before explaining the “difference” which is mentioned in Hadees Shareef it is best to know that there are two types of differences. (1) (Usoolee) based on principles, and (2) (Furoo'ee) based on non-essentials.
Shar’ee commands and orders have been laid down for both of them. Those Usoolee or Furoo’ee difference in which there is clear difference of kufr (infidelity) and leemaan (faith), and guidance and deviation makes a person liable to go to Hell.
It should also be noted that there are two kinds of people in the Um-mat of the holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam), i.e. (1) (Um-mat-e-Ijaabat), the Um-mat of acceptance and (2) (Um-mat-e-Da’wat), the Um-mat of invitation.

The Um-mat-e-Ijaabat (acceptance) is that which comprises of true followers who are firm on their beliefs. All those deviated and false groups who apparently seem to be pretender of Ieemaan and Islaam come in the category of the Um-mat-e-Da’wat (invitation). All those infedil and false groups who apparently seem to be claimers of Ieemaan and Islaam, some of these sects have not been declared absolute kuf-faar (infidels), since although their beliefs and ideologies are different no clear distinction of kufr (infidelity) and Ieemaan (faith) is found in them. But it is settled that in ideologies and beliefs of any of those have a clear distinction of kufr and Ieemaan then they would be counted among the factions of the Hell. The Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi faction, among the new emerging groups of the Um-mat are those who not only wish to be called “Ahle Sunnat” (Sun-nee) but are also engaged in getting all the other factions beside themselves declared as apostate, innovative and false.
Our dispute with this Deobandi-Wahaabi-Tableeghi faction is not merely superficial and a matter of willing or not willing but it is based on principles and basic things. You surely would like to know what are the causes of these differences. So just read on, and by making Almighty Allaah and His beloved Prophet (Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam) as witness, say it with justice and equity can you accept these things? Can people having such beliefs be Muslims or Ahle Sunnat?